The regulating rules of the Saudi General Surgery Society (SGSS)
Article 1:
A scientific society under the name of Saudi General Surgery Society (SGSS) shall be established under the supervision of King Abdulaziz University which shall be practicing its general activities with respect to the development of the theoretical and applied knowledge and the provision of consultations and scientific and applied studies for the public and private sectors pursuant to the provisions included within the rules regulating the scientific societies in the Saudi universities.
Article 2: The Objectives of the Saudi General Surgery Society (SGSS)
1. Improving, developing and activating the scientific thinking in the field of general surgery.
2. Achieving communications among the society members.
3. Providing scientific consultations in the field of specialization.
4. Developing the scientific and professional performance of the society members.
5. Facilitating the exchange of scientific production and scientific ideas within the scope of the Saudi General Surgery Society (SGSS) activities among the concerned commissions and organizations inside and outside Saudi Arabia.
Article 3: The activity of the Saudi General Surgery Society (SGSS)y
The Saudi General Surgery Society (SGSS) activity towards the achievement of the objectives stated in Article 2 can be summarized in the following:
1. Encouraging researches and scientific consultations.
2. Writing and translating scientific books in the field of its activity and other related activities.
3. Making scientific studies for the development of the aspects of the applied practice.
4. Holding symposiums, seminars and courses associated with the field of its activity.
5. Issuing scientific studies and publications associated with the fields of its activity.
6. Participating in the local and international exhibitions.
7. Inviting scientists and scholars for participation.
8. Organizing scientific tours for its members and holding scientific competitions in the field of its specialization.
Article 4: Membership Conditions and Procedures
The membership shall be of three types:
1. Active Membership which requires that:
A. The applicant for the membership shall be a holder of a scientific degree or the equivalent thereof in the specialization field of the Saudi General Surgery Society (SGSS).
B. The applicant shall pay the annual subscriptions.
C. The applicant shall meet the conditions deemed by the Board of Directors.
D. A decision shall be taken by the Board of Directors for the admission of the applicant.
2. Honorary Membership:
Awarded by a decision taken by the General Meeting for those who contribute to the development of the Saudi General Surgery Society (SGSS) activity fields or provide financial or morale services. The honorary member shall be exempted from the condition of subscription payment and may attend the meetings of the General Meeting and its various committees and participate in the discussions as well.
3. Affiliation Membership:
A. The university students studying in the field of the Saudi General Surgery Society (SGSS) specialization.
B. The personnel and activists in the field of the Saudi General Surgery Society (SGSS) specialization who don’t meet the condition of the scientific qualification specified for the membership.
The affiliated member shall be exempted from 50% of the annual subscription and he may attend the meetings of the General Meeting and its various committees and participate in the discussions without having the right of voting.
Article 5: Termination of Membership
The membership in the Saudi General Surgery Society (SGSS) shall be terminated in the following cases:
1. The withdrawal or death of the member.
2. If the annual subscription is not paid by the member after one year of its maturity.
3. If the member looses one of the membership conditions.
4. If the member commits an act or an activity that results in a morale or material damage to the Saudi General Surgery Society (SGSS). Membership in this case shall only be dropped by the approval of the Board of Directors of the Saudi General Surgery Society (SGSS).
Article 6: Restoration of Membership
The membership of the member who looses his membership may be restored upon his request by virtue of a decision taken by the Board of Directors if the reasons for dropping the previous membership are removed.
Article 7: The General Meeting
The formation of the General Meeting and its meetings:
The General Meeting shall be formed of the active members.
The General Meeting shall hold an annual ordinary meeting by virtue of an invitation form the chairman of the Board of Directors. The meetings shall only be valid if attended by the majority members. If the majority doesn’t attend, then it is permissible to hold a meeting after two weeks and such meeting shall be considered valid regardless of the number of attendees. Based on the request of the Board of Directors or one fifth of the members of the General Meeting, an extraordinary meeting may be held if necessary.
Article 8: The Authorities of the General Meeting
The General Meeting shall endeavor to achieve the objectives of the Saudi General Surgery Society (SGSS), particularly:
1. Issuing the rules organizing the progress of the internal business matters of the Saudi General Surgery Society (SGSS).
2. Approving the annual balance sheet of the Saudi General Surgery Society (SGSS) and approving the annual closing account thereof.
3. Approving the annual report of the Saudi General Surgery Society (SGSS).
4. Selection of the members of the Board of Directors.
5. Approving the business plan provided by the Board of Directors.
6. Suggesting the establishment of branches for the Saudi General Surgery Society (SGSS) based on the recommendation of the Board of Directors.
7. Appointing external auditors for the Saudi General Surgery Society (SGSS) accounts and the determination of its fees.
Article 9: Honorary President (Chairman) of the Saudi General Surgery Society (SGSS)
Based on a suggestion by the Board of Directors, an Honorary President (Chairman) for the Saudi General Surgery Society (SGSS) shall be nominated from the personalities known to be active in the fields of the Saudi General Surgery Society (SGSS) business for a single term of three years by virtue of a decision taken by the University Council who will preside the meetings that he attends.
Article 10: Resources and Budget of the Saudi General Surgery Society (SGSS)
First: The Saudi General Surgery Society (SGSS) shall rely upon its self resources, namely:
1. The yield of annual subscriptions of the members.
2. The yield of the sold printed matters and periodical publications and services provided by the Saudi General Surgery Society (SGSS) within the limits of its objectives.
3. The revenues of the courses and programs held by the Saudi General Surgery Society (SGSS).
4. The gifts, donations and grants given by the universities, organizations and individuals.
Second: The annual budget of the Saudi General Surgery Society (SGSS) and its Closing Accounts:
1. The fiscal year of the Saudi General Surgery Society (SGSS) shall commence and expires together with the fiscal year of the University.
2. The closing (final) accounts shall be prepared pursuant to the rules and practices prevailing in the industry.
Article 11: The formation of the Board of Directors
1. The Board of Directors shall consist of a number of the active members not exceeding 9 members selected by the General Meeting in a secrete poll from among its active members, provided that one third thereof shall be of the personnel of King Abdulaziz University.
2. The term of membership shall be three years renewable for one time.
3. If a member of the Board of Directors is absent from the meetings of the Board of Directors for three successive times without a justified excuse, the Board of Directors shall consider him as resigned.
4. Upon the vacancy of the membership of one of the members of the Board of Directors selected by the General Meeting for any reason, the Board of Directors shall select an alternate member, provided that the approval of the General Meeting shall be obtained thereon at the first meeting thereof.
5. The Board of Directors shall, by secret poll, select a chairman from its members for a term of three years renewable for one time only, provided that he shall be of the personnel of King Abdulaziz University; and the Board of Directors shall select from its members a Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.
Article 12: Meetings of the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors shall hold an ordinary meeting every three months and such meeting shall only be valid if attended by the majority members thereof. The Board of Directors may hold extraordinary meetings whenever requested by more than half of its members or if requested by one fifth of the General Meeting members or the Chairman of the Board of Directors. In this case the meeting shall be limited for discussing the subjects for which the meeting is held for. The decisions of the Board of Directors shall be taken by the majority of the attending members, and upon draw of votes, the vote of the Chairman of the Board of Directors shall be a casting vote.
Article 13: The Authorities of the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors shall be vested with the following:
1. Suggesting the budget of the Saudi General Surgery Society (SGSS).
2. Preparing the agenda of the General Meeting.
3. Suggesting the general policy of the Saudi General Surgery Society (SGSS) within the framework of the objectives stated herein and the presentation thereof to the General Meeting for approval.
4. Suggesting the internal rules of the Saudi General Surgery Society (SGSS) and organizing its business.
5. Formation of the committees and the specialized groups for the performance of the Saudi General Surgery Society (SGSS) tasks and activities.
6. Preparing the annual report about the Saudi General Surgery Society (SGSS) activity and presenting the same to the concerned councils of King Abdulaziz University after approving the same by the General Meeting.
7. Determining the annual subscriptions of the members.
8. Giving the assignments for preparing studies and researches.
9. Approving the holding of the seminars, courses and symposiums pursuant to the relevant regulations applied by King Abdulaziz University.
10. Accepting gifts, donations, grants and subsidies.
Article 14: General Provisions
1. The Saudi General Surgery Society (SGSS) shall report to the Director of King Abdulaziz University or his designee with respect to its activities.
2. The minutes of the General Meeting and the Board of Directors meetings shall be approved by Director of the University or his designee.
3. In case of any dispute between the Director of the University and the General Meeting or the Board of Directors, the matter shall be referred to the University Council for resolving and its decision in this respect shall be considered final.
4. If the Saudi General Surgery Society (SGSS) is dissolved for any reason, the properties thereof shall revert to King Abdulaziz University.
5. If the Saudi General Surgery Society (SGSS) is transferred away from King Abdulaziz University, all the properties and documents thereof shall pass to the new university.