Welcome Message




In the name of Allah the most Gracious the most merciful, and peace and mercy of Allah be upon our prophet Mohammad Ibn Abdulla and his companions.

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah,
It is my great pleasure to write and share our hopes and ambitions in order to achieve our goals and try to make our dreams come true. Our hope is to introduce the latest developments in the world of surgery and to specify the goals that have been achieved and also our future goals.


Since its establishment, the society has witnessed a lot of success and contributions by fellow surgeons in the field of surgery in its broad sense, applying the latest in surgery in order to shortcut the right diagnosis procedures and to know the details that would assist and support the specialist medical doctors .History will not forget your efforts, your research, and your ideal treatment. Now that you have surpassed your noble goals through your faithfulness and dedication to this noble profession . You still retain the glimpse of hope for those whom you deal with throughout your career ..

The subscription membership in the Assembly is not in support of the association, but for its features up membership in the Assembly to get the membership card that enables attend all conferences and scientific sessions at discounted prices, as well as granting Member membership certificate Assembly and give them priority in the dissemination of their research scientific rapidly in the the scientific Journal of the society and the right of nomination for membership of the Board of Directors and to vote for the election of the Board in addition to the Assembly shall inform its members with news and Assembly held conferences and courses through  E-MAIL messages

Finally I ask Almighty God to guide us all to what he loves and is pleased

Dr. Ahmed M. Kensarah

President, Executive Board of SGSS


Last Update
1/28/2013 10:08:23 AM